Tall Oaks Board of Directors

Tall Oaks Board Chair
Rev. Dr. Lara Blackwood Pickrel
Rev. Dr. Lara Blackwood Pickrel is an ordained minister in the CC(DOC) and has served congregations in the Greater Kansas City Region since 2009. She is passionate about outdoor education and ministry with young people. Tall Oaks is her favorite holy ground and she is delighted to serve the communities who call it home.

Treasurer & Volunteer Coordinator
Rev. Lisa Engelken
Reverend Lisa Engelken has been called to invite all to find their Sacred Spaces. The best place to start is "The First Body of Christ-Nature itself." (Richard Rohr) Lisa is excited to start this exciting new chapter with Tall Oaks by literally putting her hands and feet on this Sacred Ground. Will you join me?

Secretary, Grants, & Marketing
Anna Godsey
Anna Godsey attended Tall Oaks as a camper starting in 2007 and has been a counselor, director, and chaplain at Tall Oaks camps since 2014. Anna graduated with a Master’s Degree in Human Development with emphasis on non-profit management in 2021. Tall Oaks has been Anna’s home since the minute she arrived for her very first camp.

Board Chaplain & Bylaws
Rev. Dr. Kevin Kelley
Rev. Kevin is a lifelong resident of Kansas City area and has served churches in the Greater Kansas City Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for nearly 30 years. He has served as a counselor at Tall Oaks for over a decade, and as an adult sponsor for the Regional Youth Cabinet. In addition to the Tall Oaks Board, Kevin serves on the Camp and Conference Committee and is the Chair of Ministry for Young Disciples in the Region.

Project Liaison
Amy Traylor Oleszczak
Amy Traylor Oleszczak has been a Tall Oaks camper, counselor, camp director, and Regional Youth Cabinet adult over the years. She was also a Tall Oaks staff member for close to ten years, including many different roles as summer staff and as Camp and Conference Coordinator for the region. Needless to say, the Tall Oaks community has played a big role in her life. Amy is now a part of the Tall Oaks Volunteer Council, planning multiple events to bring more of our community out to camp to build connections, work hard, and have fun!
Leslie McGinnis
Leslie is a retired teacher and school administrator turned builder and all around handywoman. While she is relatively new to Tall Oaks, her handiwork has been present for over a decade in the form of the communion table and lectern found in the Lifelong Learning Center.